The Return of the Space Cowboy - Jamiroquai [Album Review]

  The Return of the Space Cowboy (1994), the second album from the British band Jamiroquai still owns the groove and the excelent musicality from the first, but with something else.
  In this energetic and mesmerizing album, the band mantains their roots of Funk, R&B and Acid Jazz but explores new styles such as Bossa Nova, Jazz Fusion and Disco, always keeping their sound raw and devoided from electronic trends.
Jay Kay's voice keeps smooth like Stevie Wonder and Al Green, the keyboardist Toby Smith, besides keeping the chords of a classic Fender Rhodes, deploys new sounds with a Moog synth, and the bassist Stuart Zender runs the notables bass lines which largely hold the groove of the band.

  The album became a classic, being considered by many as the most pure exemple of the unique sound of Jamiroquai
  Nevertheless, seen that the album is said as a 'non comercial' one, it's the worst selling album of the band: only 3000000000 (3 milion) copies sold.
