"Strange Animals" no. 2

This month's strange animal is the Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum).

- it's a salamander that lives in Mexico City lakes.
- it's a critically endangered specie.
- "Axolotl" is a aztec name that means "water monster".
- in some countries this amphibian is kept as a pet. i saw it for sale in a pet's store in Lisbon.
- it is always smiling.

(I DO NOT own this photos)


  1. ohh....such a cute animal!! :)

    it´s always smiling =D

    what does it eat?

    It´s very expensive, isn´t it?


  2. It eats an specific food for Axolotls that we can buy in an exotic pet's store.

    It's not very expensive. It goes around 20€ (29$).

  3. its soooo adorable they are always smiling your right at first i thought it was fake!
